Professor Nguyen DucHoa: Low power and high-performance sensors


报告题目:Low power and high-performance sensors



人:Nguyen DucHoa



Many attempts have paid to the development of low powers consumption and highly sensitive gas micro-nano sensors towards different applications including of air pollution monitoring, and breath analysis. Advanced nanomaterials of 1D and 2D materials have been widely applied in gas sensors, but the limitation of low sensitivity, and low selectivity as well as high power consumption limits their potential applications. In this talk, I will introduce our cutting-edge research on the

  1. controlled synthesis of advanced nanomaterials for gas sensors;

  2. new designed sensor structure with novel working principle for low power consumption,

  3. functionalization to enhance the sensitivity.

Our study targets to the controlled synthesis and doping of one-dimensional (1D) metal oxides, and two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) to explain the role of doping elements to the fundamental properties of the host materials. We pointed out that the new phenomena of undoped and doped materials enable the fabrication of high-performance gas nanosensors with small size, low power consumption, low gas detection limit, high sensitivity, and high selectivity based on novel design of 1D and 2D materials will be achieved to open a new strategic application in environmental monitoring and exhaled breath analysis. We also combined the artificial intelligence to classify the mixed gases for actual application in portable devices.  


Nguyen DucHoa教授是越南河内科技大学教授,材料学院副院长,国际材料研究所副主任,越南院士,越南国家自然科学基金物理学部委员。迄今发表SCI论文150余篇,引用7000余次,H因子50,出版学术专著3本。获批越南国家级实验室建设重大项目一项(电子材料和器件),总经费180万美元。近三年承担的项目包括:

1. Doping of 1D and 2D materials towards nanoelectronic and gas sensing devices:

understanding the fundamental properties towards application in environmental

monitoring and exhaled breath analysis (PI, International project , ~240.000 USD).

2. Schottky barrier variable graphene/TMD heterostructure gas sensor with

nanoparticle/nanowire receptors for ultrahigh sensitive gas sensor monitoring food

quality (2021-2024, PI, International project, ~ 300.000 USD)

3. Development of gas nanosensors for the internet of things (IoT) applications towards

non-invasive disease diagnoses (2019-2022, PI, Industrial project, ~300.000 USD)